Word Length of a Microprocessor is given as n-bit, where n may be 2,16,32 or 64. A binary digit 0 or 1 is called a bit. An 8 bit microprocessor can process 8 bit data at a time. If data consists of more than 8 bits, the
processor takes up one by one for processing. Its ALU is designed to process 8 bit data. Its general purpose registers which hold data for processing, are 8 bit registers. Similarly, a 16 processor handles 16 bit of data at a time, its ALU processes 16 bit data and general purpose registers hold 16 bit data. Similarly,32 bit and 64 bit processors process 32 and 64 bit data at a time respectively. A processor of longer word length is more powerful and can process data at faster speed as compared with to a processor of shorter word length.
processor takes up one by one for processing. Its ALU is designed to process 8 bit data. Its general purpose registers which hold data for processing, are 8 bit registers. Similarly, a 16 processor handles 16 bit of data at a time, its ALU processes 16 bit data and general purpose registers hold 16 bit data. Similarly,32 bit and 64 bit processors process 32 and 64 bit data at a time respectively. A processor of longer word length is more powerful and can process data at faster speed as compared with to a processor of shorter word length.